Toxically positive

My post back on the 1st may have come off as toxic positivity. I apologize for that. That was not my intention. I was just fed up with all the general writing off of an entire year. I realize there were plenty depressing and sad points over 2021. I have personally worked to separate those times from the good times that happened. I was just trying to blow off some steam. I never intend to dismiss anyone’s experiences.

Back in 2013, I was inspired by a fellow blogger. On Bonzai Aphrodite, Sayward shared how she doesn’t set resolutions but writes down her thoughts and intentions for the year in a word doc that she allows herself to change and add to and modify over the course of the year. I have been doing that for years now, and having that flexibility really gives me permission to work with how life changes. Sometimes you set a goal and something comes up that makes it impossible to do: like not being employed for most of the year.

I’ve started my “Hopes and Goals” for the year and I’m looking forward to seeing how well they survive the obstacles this year is waiting to throw my way. What can I say, I like to see how well I can get through the obstacle course that life ends up being. It helps me learn how to be flexible with myself; it’s more important to be able to bend rather than break for my own sanity and stress levels. In finding where I can be flexible, I find new ways to live in this chaos.

I guess that’s just my way of coping. Trying to hold on to the positive and let go of as much of the negative as I can. But that’s me. You do what you need to do to survive.

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