Raw attempt

Lately my life has been a bit chaotic. Trying to balance life, work, and school has left me falling back on bad eating habits. I’ve been trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but it’s only recently started to gain traction. Then there was Thursday.

Thursday is when I checked my Feedly and saw a new post at Bonzai Aphrodite (my favorite blog ever!). The way she talked about that cookbook inspired me to check it out on Amazon. When I saw the price, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been thinking about raw foods and it definitely appeals in the summer time. It arrived today and I am so glad I bought it.

Choosing Raw by Gena Hamshaw

Today I went to Whole Foods and bought most of the ingredients for the dressing that Sayward posted in her blog. Just the smell of all that fresh dill is inspiring. Unfortunately there appears to have been a run on fresh parsley, both flat and curly, so I have to wait until tomorrow to make up this dressing that sounds so amazing. I may finally get a chance to use my BNTO: salad in the jar, dressing in the BNTO. I’m looking forward to this!

But it also got me to thinking. I am going to take advantage of my new job and try being a part-time vegetarian. I love my hubby and I love my meat, so it’s not going away completely, but I need to cut back on the meat and up the veggie intake. So periodically I’ll be posting my successes and failures at part-time vegetarianism.

Now, I need to go get supplies and dinner, and head off to my best friend’s place for a girls night of strawberry daiquiris and Sailor Moon!

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