Finished! When the Game was Ours

When the Game was Ours by Larry Bird and Earvin Magic JohnsonThis book is amazing. I’m really looking forward to letting my mom borrow it and getting her thoughts afterward. She is the one who got me into basketball. 🙂
This is an amazing, beautifully woven story about two basketball greats. It goes all the way back to their humble beginnings in Indiana and Michigan respectively up to the present. I learned so much! I didn’t know anything about either of them pre-NBA aside from their home states. These two men are examples of what basketball players should be. Because of their presence and mentality, they always elevated their team, not themselves. Their skill and rivalry and knowledge helped the NBA become what it is today, along with commissioner David Stern.
I remember crying during Magic’s HIV prognosis. I was a huge Lakers fan and a huge Magic fan. I remember learning that he was retiring and why. And somehow I understood. I never knew the full effect it had on the NBA.
I loved both their perspectives on basketball today and agree with them. Talking with, listening to, and getting advice from the elder statesmen of the game is a lost practice that needs to be revived.
This book has totally revived my interest in basketball!

When the Game was Ours by Larry Bird and Earvin Magic Johnson
Rating: 5 stars
WBC: Read a book about sports.

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